ALSC is excited to recognize William Baynard as the May ALSC Volunteer of the Month! Here is more about William, and why he volunteers!
“About two years ago, I decided to go back to school. I didn’t want to stop practicing law entirely and I wanted to maintain a connection to my home in Alaska even though I’m in Wisconsin now (go Badgers!). ALSC offers a bunch of opportunities to volunteer remotely. I do a shift once a month on the landlord-tenant helpline and take on a case every so often. Most work can be done from home. In short, part of me will always live in Alaska, so by volunteering with ALSC, I feel like I’m there, as a member of the Alaska Bar!
I mostly volunteer with the landlord-tenant line. It can be crazy, it can be deeply rewarding, it can be confusing, it can be (and almost always is) exhausting, but it is never boring. When I describe it to others, I tell them it’s like an emergency room. You see the results of what you do right away. You don’t know what anyone will do after they hang up with you, but you usually get a sense that they are walking into the world a lot more at ease. Volunteering with ALSC helps me learn how to interact with a wide range of people. The people in charge, the staff, and the clients all come from such diverse backgrounds. More than anything though, the benefit is in the service itself.”
Currently, William pursuing a PhD in cultural anthropology. In his free time, he is active with student clubs – sailing and boxing and enjoying time with his dog and girlfriend.