Leadership: Staff and Board of Directors
Alaska Legal Services Corporation serves the communities of Alaska through our 50+ staff members located within 12 statewide offices and 6 Medical-Legal Partnership sites. A diverse Board of Directors provides organizational leadership to guide ALSC’s efforts that promote health, safety, and stability through essential civil legal services. Additionally, the board serves as ALSC ambassadors by educating the community about services and building relationships that support ALSC’s mission. The Board also performs fiduciary duties, including financial and program oversight. All Board Members serve on a voluntary, uncompensated basis.
Board of Directors
Joseph Nelson, President
Juneau, Attorney member, First Judicial District
Myra Munson, Vice President
Juneau, Attorney member, First Judicial District
Karen Lambert, Secretary-Treasurer
Kodiak, Attorney Member, Third Judicial Distirct
Members at Large
Raymond Oney
Community Member, Appointed by Association of Village Council Presidents
Melony Urban
Attorney Member, Fourth Judicial District
Violet Gronn
Community Member, Appointed by Kodiak Area Native Association
Gilbert Tocktoo
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by Kawerak
Gabrielle LeDoux
Attorney Member, Appointed by the Alaska Bar Association
Elizabeth Leduc
Attorney Member, Third Judicial District
Margie Nelson
Community Member, Appointed by Bristol Bay Native Association
Liz Pederson
Attorney Member, Fourth Judicial District
Carolyn Heyman
Attorney Member, Fourth Judicial District
Grace Singh
Community Member, Appointed by Maniilaq
Community Member, Appointed by Tlingit and Haida
Meghan “Sigvanna” Topkok
Attorney Member, Second Judicial District
Alternate Members
Andrew Dunmire
Attorney Alternate, First Judicial District
Attorney Alternate, Second Judicial District
Shannon Bleicher
Attorney Alternate, Third Judicial District
Steven Hansen
Attorney Alternate, Appointed by the Alaska Bar Association
Ben Muse
Attorney Alternate, Third Judicial District
Melanie Osborne
Attorney Alternate, Third Judicial District
Attorney Alternate, Fourth Judicial District
Robin Brown
Attorney Alternate, Fourth Judicial District
Victoria Cascio
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by Cook Inlet Tribal Council
James Ujioka
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by Chugachmiut
Rene Nicklie
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by Copper River Native Association
Etta Kuzakin
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by Aleutian/Pribilof Island Association
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by Tanana Chiefs Conference
Community Member Alternate, Appointed by North Slope Borough
Anchorage/Statewide Office
- Maggie Humm, Executive Director
- Tracey Janssen, Chief Financial Officer
- Danielle Blair, Administrative Director
- Nandita Lal, Director of Human Resources & Organizational Culture
- Erin Fleischer, Accounts Payable
- Kendra Spencer, Accounting Technician
- Laci Michaud, Communications and Development Manager
Community Justice Worker Resource Center:
- Sarah Carver, Co-Director
- Autumn Smith, Pro Bono Integration Manager
Law Unit:
- Eva Khadjinova, Anchorage Supervising Attorney
- Jennifer Ekvall, Senior Office Manager
- Imran Ahmed, Crime Victim Staff Attorney
- Delaney Voorheis, Staff Attorney
- Casey Willitts, Providence MLP Staff Attorney
- Valerie De Wandel, ANMC MLP Staff Attorney
- Kristen Bayrakdarian, ANMC AmeriCorps Member
Intake Unit
- Judy Barnes, Intake Supervising Attorney
- Mark Black, Intake Coordinator
- Sarah Drummond, Intake Coordinator
Native Law Unit:
- Pearl Pickett, Native Law Supervising Attorney
- Melissa Beneke, Native Law Support
- Fang He, Native Law Staff Attorney
- Lisa Wilson, Native Law Staff Attorney
Fair Housing Unit:
- Daniel Coons, Fair Housing Supervising Attorney
- Olivia Spiezio, Fair Housing Investigations Coordinator
Statewide Unit:
- Jessie Lampton, Statewide Litigation Support Attorney
Utqiaġvik Office
- Vacant, Staff Attorney
- Ana Manu, Office Manager
Bethel Office
- Shannon Hoffman, Advanced Paralegal
- Joy Anderson, Community Justice Worker Resource Center Co-Director
- Yonna Pereyra, Community Justice Worker, Holistic Defense
- Cheryl Thompson, Community Justice Worker, Disaster Relief
Dillingham Office
- Carrie Sorensen, Staff Attorney
- Peter Utz, Staff Attorney
Fairbanks Office
- Angela Aragon, Office Manager
- Rachael Delehanty, Senior Staff Attorney
- Ben Bonner, Native Law Staff Attorney
- Lauren Custer, Community Justice Worker, Disaster Relief
Juneau Office
- Heather Parker, Supervising Attorney
- Leigh Dickey, Advocacy Director
- Logan Miller, Domestic Violence Staff Attorney
- Jacob Taug, Paralegal
- Jesse Thompson, Staff Attorney
- Eric Vang, Senior Technology Attorney
Kenai Office
- Crystal Soyangco, Advanced Office Manager
- Charles Horton, Fair Housing Staff Attorney
- Carolyn Walker, Community Justice Worker Support Director
- Ashley Vincent, Community Justice Worker, Disaster Relief
Ketchikan Office
- Linda Keizer, Advanced Paralegal
Kodiak MLP Office
- Teka Lamade, Supervising Attorney
Kotzebue Office
- Allen Beaver, Office Manager
- Michael Cagle, Staff Attorney
Nome Office
- Brystel Osborne, Office Manager
- Sara Freeman, Community Justice Worker, Disaster Relief
Palmer Office and Connect Mat-Su Wasilla Office
- Chelsea Gregersen, Deputy Director
- Vera Hoffmann, Office Manager
- Charles Ward, Staff Attorney
- Ryland Obeso, Community Justice Worker, Disaster Relief