Have questions about housing during COVID-19?
Join Alaska Legal Services Corporation’s Housing expert Dan Coons for a Facebook Live on April 22nd from 1:30pm-2:30pm. In addition to answering your questions, Dan will be discussing state court FED suspension; SB 241 suspension of utility-shutoffs, evictions, and foreclosures; and the CARES Act moratorium.
If you have a question for Dan, please comment in the Facebook Live Event page or send ALSC a direct Facebook message with your question and we will do our best to answer it during the live stream. We will also be answering questions asked during the live event.
Please do not post details of your specific legal problems as we cannot guarantee your privacy or confidentiality. This live stream is intended to provide legal information only – we cannot provide advice on your specific legal situation. If you would like to apply for ALSC’s services, you can call our statewide toll-free intake line at 1-888-478-2572.
Access to the live stream is available through the ALSC facebook page at www.facebook.com/alaskalegalservices/live
Get up-to-date information about Housing and other COVID-19 related legal issues at https://www.alaskalawhelp.org/